It is a corrosion protection and high performance lubricant. It is suitable for use on static and rusty surfaces (plumbing) over time. Prevents wear and rust. It is resistant to acid, salt and sulfur water abrasions. It prevents corrosion and oxidation. It reduces friction. It prevents stress corrosion in stainless steel. It prevents contact and stress corrosion. Significantly reduces spare parts costs. It can be used in the temperature range of 40°C + 1100°C. Usage: Our statements are purely recommendations based on our experience and no liability can be accepted for any damage that may occur without preliminary testing. The surface to be applied must be clean and free from other lubricants. Shake the can vigorously before use until the ball sound inside is heard. Spray the product thinly and evenly from a distance of approximately 20-25 cm to the surface. After use, hold the finished product can upside down, spray it and let it empty completely